Officers in Attendance: ER Staff in Attendance:
Julie Fago Kelly Caito Nora O’Bryan
Kelly Lukasavich Merrie Carole Strangio
Annette Kopp Karin Cyganovich Number of Members Present: __20_
Meeting was called to order at 6:45pm by Julie who welcomed everyone & started the pledge
Mrs. O’Bryan spoke for a few minutes about how dedicated the staff at Errick Rd is and what a pleasure it is to work in such company. She said parents are the other half of the factor and thanked everyone for being there. She also talked about the following three:
o CDEP Goals – She explained the 4 goals of the district in detail & informed us Kelly Lukasavich is the parent member on the committee
o Report Card Committee – this was formed after feedback from the community that the current report card is not doing what it is designed to do & understanding of the standards has improved. Julie Fago will be the parent representative for Errick Rd. Their first meeting will be Oct. 19th. The new report card won’t be implemented until next year
o Open House- Parking is always an issue & safety concern. For next fall several options are being looked into. The parents present felt the best one was to do a K-2 & then 3-5 Open House on different nights. It was also suggested to do it before school starts, kind of like the Meet & Greets but for all grades.
Officers introduced themselves & gave a small summary of their responsibilities
Officer Reports:
> Annette gave the treasurer report. Currently there is $6415.61 in the BEN account (Julie said this is low). Annette shared the new look of the budget spreadsheet
> Karin shared the minutes from the summer officer meeting
Chairperson Reports:
> Annette Kopp & Shannon Keller are chairing the Pasta Sale. It starts Nov. 4th
> Kelly L. talked about the new school wide Field/Flag Day for grades k-5. It is an end of the year celebration that will take place on June 14th. The possibility of getting each grade a different color t-shirt with sponsors on the back is being looked into.
> Julie F. talked about the book-fair. It is kicked off on Friday, Oct. 14th from 6-8pm during the fall social. Volunteers are needed to help set up. There will be a pirate theme this year and parent/child dance. Fifth grade promotion will be running a bake sale at the social.
> Save-A-Around books: As of today, only 56 have been sold. 136 were sent back. This fundraiser makes 50% profit. The school has an enrollment of 550. If everyone just bought the one book that comes home, the profit would be great
> 5th grade promotion will have it’s first meeting next Monday, Sept.26th in the library at 7pm
* It was reminded the chairpersons MUST attend the BEN meetings around their event
* A suggestion for memo’s home to be put a different color paper was recommended. For example, everything from a teacher on pink, from BEN on blue, etc.
* There was a discussion about BEN no longer chairing room parents
* It was suggested one way to explain what BEN pays for is, on the bottom of field trip forms advertise “Thanks to BEN for paying for transportation” maybe “It would of cost….”
* Possible fundraising ideas: sell tickets to a talent show, sell mums or flowers in the parking lot as a cash & carry, Gala night (adults only), vendor show where they buy table space, popcorn fundraiser (take orders Mon, pop it Thurs, distribute it Fri)
* Kelly L. asked how parents would feel if they could give a flat rate donation up front instead of participating in the fundraisers. There were pro’s & con’s.
* Julie F. reminded everyone the main goal of BEN is to fundraise for the kids & give back as much as possible to programs for the kids
* Kelly L. talked about a new website she is creating for BEN that is more user friendly. It will be separate from the district website
People adjourned for desserts & coffee at 7:45pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Karin Cyganovich & Kelly Caito