Officer Meeting
Present: Julie Fago, Kelly Caito, Annette Kopp, Kelly Morrison, Karin Cyganovich & Kelly Lukasavich
Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Julie
Treasurer Report:
> There is $5626.39 in the account (checks for Kindergarten & 1st grade still need to go out)
> 5th grade has $172 ($350 needs to be left in the account at the end of the year to pay for busses which are billed over the summer)
> We are shopping around for an accountant to do the taxes (cost for last year was $1200)
> Annette is in the process of creating a spreadsheet that list fundraisers with the following columns: $ in, $ out & $ made
> Annette did share how much money& what activities BEN sponsors by grade level
* All events that take place at the school require a work order. You can get these thru Linda in the office
* Target program and the Label programs are done. Box tops will still be collected
* The Fun Pasta fundraiser was approved. It will run from 11/4-11/14. Annette & Shannon agreed to chair this event. $0-$4000 in sales makes a 40% profit & over $4000 makes a 50% profit
* The Anderson coupon book fundraiser was approved. It will be chaired by Nicole Pasceri & Amy Smith. It will be sold at eventa(Fall social, spring book fair, snow-flake shop etc) for $4 (with a possible $68 in savings)
* Other possible fundraisers to research include the meat raffle & bottle junction
* The possibility of utilizing HS volunteers at events will be looked into
* It was agreed that BEN would give up the responsibility of running room moms. A letter will be sent home explaining this.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karin Cyganovich