Number of Attendees: 20

  • The Pledge of Allegiance
  • Welcome Introductions Principal Nora O’Bryan & PTO 2024/2025 Officers
    • 20th year as Principal for Nora
    • School now has over 500 Students
    • Expanded Special Education Program this year
  • Board
    • Theresa Barry – Co President
      • 3rd Year as Co-President
      • 4th year on the board
      • She has 3rd, 7th, and 10th grade students
      • Also President of the parent group at the Middle school
    • Diana Harder – Co-President
      • 1st Year on the Board
      • Kids in K and 3rd Grade
    • Stacy Hoelter – Vice President
      • 7th Year on the Board
      • Kids in 7th and 3rd Grade
    • Chelsea Keagel -Corresponding Secretary
      • 3rd year on the board
      • Kids in 4th Grade
    • Jill – Treasurer
      • 2nd year on the Board
      • Kids in 5th, 4th and 1st Grades
    • Jen Wolff – Recording Secretary
      • 5th Year on the Board
      • Kids in 7th and 3rd Grade

Principal’s Comments

  • Welcome to Mrs. Zafuto, Dean of Students
    • Part Time Dean of Students. Former Niagara Falls Principal
    • She currently has 2 nieces at Errick Road
    • She will be Helping with students and parents
  • Smooth opening week
  • PBIS Kickoff Assembly Friday

Treasurer Report

  • Summary
    • Square One Art – $564.81 (Deposit)
  • We held a board meeting to determine what could be cut/ and to make it fair for all teachers over the summer.
    • Tighten up the funding request process – Funding and Reimbursement request form updates
    • All grades will have the opportunity for equal funding.
  • Funding Requests (Since May 2024)
    • Paint for Art – $61.10
    • Nickel City Reptiles Third Grade Presentation – $550.00
    • 5th Grade T-Shirts – $3,051.00
    • Kindergarten Mother’s Day Gifts – $173.80
    • 4th Grade Presentation Citizen Coalition for Wildlife and Environmental -$300.00
    • PBIS
      • April Assembly / Chris Johnson Inc. – $697.00
      • PBIS Paws & Pizza – $85.36
      • PBIS Front Foyer Décor – $52.37
      • PBIS Teacher Appreciation – $142.52
      • PBIS Pizza Parties – $40.00
      • PBIS Ice Cream Party – $25.34
      • PBIS Golden Ticket Party – $16.25
      • PBIS End of Year Dance Party – $41.64
      • PBIS School Store Supplies – $906.81
    • Mulch for Garden – $138.50
    • Teacher Appreciation/Officer Gifts – $102.90
    • Errick Road Installation Dinner – $331.06
    • Art Show Supplies/Pizza Volunteers – $94.37
    • Field Day Supplies – $55.69
    • Monthly Zoom Fees – $47.97 (3 payments at $15.99)
    • Teacher Retirement – $104.72
    • Bus Driver Appreciation – $121.52
    • 2nd Grade Books – $324.00
    • 5th Grade Promotion/Fun Day – $898.29
    • Hayes Retirement Gift – $25.00
    • Buses – $684.20
    • Safety Patrol Breakfast – $84.48
    • Yearbooks – $1,760.00
    • Ice Cream Field Day – $1,056.12
    • PE Equipment and items for Glow Run – $689.40
    • Back to School Supplies Kindergarten – $156.92
    • Glow Run Supplies / Teacher Appreciation Wrapping Paper – $25.51
    • Kindergarten Bubbles Graduation – $7.13
  • Donations
    • Idea Builders – $130.00
  • Deposits
    • $604.38

Corresponding Secretary Report

  • The Corresponding Secretary writes thank you notes, sends condolence, congratulations gifts, and communicates any letters/notes that come in.
  • Nothing to Report

Business to Discuss

  • Mum Sale 9/4-9/10,
    • pickup will be Thursday, Sept. 19th 11am-2pm and 3:30-6:00 pm – Volunteers Needed
    • Order will be placed this week. Pickup under the back of school tent.
    • Volunteers needed for pickup event
  • Teacher Welcome Back Breakfast was 9/6
    • Championship Martial Arts donated donuts and juice – Local Company –
      • There will be a fundraiser in February with Martial Arts
    • New Day Coffee donated coffee for all the teachers and staff – Local Company
      • Fundraiser in October with New Day.
    • School Spiritwear 9/23-10/4
      • Flyer will be sent out soon. New pricing, New Designs
      • Glitter is new this year
      • Water bottle and Drawstring bag (NEW!). – Can be personalized
    • Winter Wonderland Sale 9/23-10/9, pickup 12/2 -Volunteers Needed for Pickup (December)
      • Catalog Fundraiser – Wrapping Paper, Kitchen Gadgets, Toys.
      • Order online, or on paper
    • Fall Picture Day 9/25, Picture Retake 11/13
      • Forms should be coming home this week
    • New Day Coffee Fundraiser 10/1-10/18, pickup November before thanksgiving- Volunteers Needed for Pickup (November)
      • 15 flavors of coffee, 2 teas, hot chocolate
      • Pods = K-Cups, Ground or Whole Beans, Regular and Decaf
    • Fall Social/ Book Fair 10/18 from 6-8pm – Volunteers Needed for Social
      • Setup the book fair after school. Then fall social
      • DJ, Trunk or Treat – Volunteers Needed. Candy is provided (for allergies)
      • Bookfair will be open for browsing and purchases
      • Pizza and Chips available for purchase
    • Fall Book Fair 10/18-10/23 for the students, Setup 10/18 at 3:00 pm – Volunteers Needed
      • During School hours – kids go with their class
      • E-Wallet available for funding instead of cash
    • Halloween Parade 10/31, 1/2 Day of School, Students only (no parents)
      • Parade through the hallways.
    • Poinsettia Sale 11/6-11/13 – Canceled due to low participation
    • Fun Run 11/15 – Volunteers Needed- This is one of the biggest fundraisers of the year
      • Glow Run – 80’s Theme w/ music
      • 100% proceeds go to the school
      • Gifts for each student after run. Medals & Certificates
    • Merry Moose Holiday Shop set up 12/2, Shop 12/3-12/5 – Volunteers Needed for Setup, Shopping, Wrapping
      • Kids shop for families for the holidays
    • Holiday Social/ Grinch 12/13 6:00-7:30 pm $125-$200
      • Virtual event held on Zoom – we usually have over 100 families that sign on
      • Kids will do a craft with the grinch as well as a reading of the Night Before Christmas
      • Hot chocolate and popcorn, candy cane, crafts gets sent home.

Volunteers Needed – If you are interested in volunteering please reach out to the event chair, anyone on the board, or send a message to the PTO facebook page!

  • Mum Sale
  • Winter Wonderland
  • New Day Coffee
  • Fall Social/Book Fair
  • Fall Book Fair
  • Fun Run
  • Merry Moose

Next Meeting on October 8, 2023 @6:15 pm on Zoom