May 9, 2017
Officers in Attendance:
- Julie Fago
- Karin Cyganovich
- Kelly Lukasavich
- Annette Kopp
- Jessi Toepfer
ER Staff in Attendance:
- Nora O’Bryan
Number of Members Present: 15
Meeting was called to order at 6:50pm by Kelly who welcomed everyone & started the pledge
Officer Reports:
Thank you cards from teacher appreciation luncheon were passed around
Karin shared the minutes from the April meeting
Annette went over the treasurer’s report. Current balance is $18158.06
– No funding requests at this time.
Motion to approve all officer reports: Annette Kopp
2nd motion: Kelly L.
Chairperson Reports:
Platters verses Niagara Chocolate-> We were with Platters for 10 years & decided to try Niagara Chocolate this year because the prices were better & catalog bigger. Feedback from this year’s chairperson was the delivery was not as good and the profit was the same. The chairperson for next year, Renee Burd will reach out to both places and report back.
Looking for 3 people to chair the basket auction for next year. Lisa Strangio & Tara Sirianni volunteered.
There will be a BOGO Spring book fair on 5/18, 5/19 & 5/22. Volunteer parents will encourage if a student buys a book, they should get a book free before getting something like a pencil free. No social is attached to this.
Installation Dinner is June 2nd at Casa Antigua in Lewiston. A flyer will be going home with the details
New Business:
Kelly L. distributed a calendar of BEN dates for next school year
Kelly shared information about Field Day.
-There will be an ice-cream truck. A sheet will be sent home asking students to pick
from one of five choices. Then the day of they will be given a pre-colored ticket
that matches their choice.
– A rain schedule is being worked on
– There will be a meeting the night before to go over everything with volunteers
– A letter will come home asking for $5 to cover the cost of t-shirts, lunch &
Julie encouraged everyone to get out and vote on the school budget on Tuesday. Voting takes place between 8am-9pm. Nora stressed the importance of every vote counts. She also mentioned there are 5 propositions & the last one concerns the acquisition of the vacant property across the street from the school to become a parking lot.
Matt Guzzetta presented about the Entertainment Book. Everyone in attendance got a complimentary copy. There is a Go Mobile App which has up to date coupons. If you forget your book, you can use the go mobile app. The book costs $25 (50% profit goes to BEN). Matt also passed around sample cookies and explained there cookie dough & popcorn is shelf stable and can sit for 21 days. The entire group voted to go with them for cookie dough as well as the Entertainment Book.
Motion to Close Meeting at 8:20pm: Annette Kopp
2nd Motion: Julie Fago
Respectfully submitted,
Karin Cyganovich