Present: Julie Fago, Kelly Caito, Annette Kopp, Merrie Carole Strangio, Karin Cyganovich & Kelly Lukasavich
Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm by Julie
Snowflake Shop
It was approved to give Renee $2500 to start shopping. Future money will be determined based on funds available.
It was agreed the current format can continue for 2017-2018 but will need to change after that.
Suggestions to widdle down the current stock and to have small gift cards students can purchase were brought up.
Basket Auction
Will transition to BEN next year so it is a school wide function
There will be a line in the BEN budget for 5th grade with a set amount. This will alleviate the pressure on the 5th grade promotion committee and on the treasurer keeping two separate accounts.
The promotion committee will still plan the 5th grade fun day, handprints on bricks & run the promotion ceremony.
A chairperson will be needed to run the basket auction
As a group, we need to be more diligent on updating chair folders/binders
The officers will split the list and call current chairs asking them: do you have a folder, is your event done, is your folder updated?
Starting in the 2017-2018 school year, the Vice President will collect folders when an event has closed
Julie will copy the first two pages in the folders and hand out at the BEN meeting on Jan. 10th to any current chairperson
Idea Builders Lego Club
The officers agreed to pursue this.
It is will by an outside group from 3:20-4:20pm once a week, possibly in the library.
Cost is $47 for 4 weeks
A minimum of 10 people is needed to run it
Parents would have to pick up their children or they would be walked down to Latchkey (if they participate in that)
Other Things Officers Will Look Into
T-shirts for concerts
Turkey Trot on the last day of school before Thanksgiving Break. This is not a fundraiser but a fun thing for students to do
Decorating Errick Road for the holidays
Store of rewards for good behavior. BEN would fund the store year around. Teachers would have to hand out reward tickets for good behavior and then maybe once a month walk class down to store to redeem tickets for prizes.
Field trips are building driven and will be looked into more.
Valentine Heart-> “run like a secret santa” Each student would write a nice message on a cut out valentine to a pre-selected student and then these would be posted for all to read
Kelly Lukasavich reported out notes she took from the Parent Engagement Group
The meeting was closed at 9pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Karin Cyganovich