B.E.N. Bylaws


(Revised February 2016)


We, the parents of Errick Road Elementary School, in order to foster a spirit co-operation between the home and the school, maintain open lines of communication, promote and encourage activities for the best of the school, and to develop a good understanding of the school program through parental involvement, do hereby establish this constitution of B.E.N. a Parent/Teacher Organization.


Section 1. The name of this organization shall be:

“Boosters for Errick’s Needs”, known as B.E.N. or BEN; a Parent/Teacher Organization.


Section 1. The goal of this organization shall be for the benefit of the child by:

1. Working together with home and school in sharing responsibility for the education of all children.

2. Developing a better understanding in the home towards school concerns and in the school towards home concerns.

3. Promoting good educational programs that will meet the needs of the children.

4. Strengthening relations among the parents, teachers and school.

5. Continuously working to keep parents aware of programs and the needs of the school.


Section 1.

1. This group shall work with the principal or his/her representative to achieve the goals of the organization.

2. It shall have the privileges to investigate conditions around the school and relay information to the group.

3. The organization shall plan, promote, and present programs, group discussions and pertinent meetings to carry out the goals of the group.


Section 1.

1. The membership of the organization shall include any parent, teacher, administrator and citizen interested in the well-being of Errick Road Elementary School and the stated goals of this group.

2. Members will work together as a whole for the good of BEN and all of Errick Road Elementary, as well as abide by all of BEN’s Constitutions and Bylaws. Members are expected to act in an honest and ethical manner, and to maintain financial responsibility to BEN. Members of BEN shall observe a Code of Conduct that demonstrates respect for other BEN members, chairpersons, officers, parents and staff of Errick Road Elementary. No member shall use his/her membership for personal gain and/or to request special privileges for his/her child(ren). Members will conduct any necessary BEN business in the BEN room, (or other assigned area) to prevent any distractions to office and other school personnel. Any member who acts in such a way that violates the Goal of BEN (Article II) or violates the aforementioned Code of Conduct will have his/her misconduct brought to the attention of the membership at a BEN meeting, be allowed to refute/defend actions and if deemed appropriate, may be voted out of BEN by a 2/3 vote of members present for the remainder of the school year.

Section 2.

1. Membership dues to be determined at the May meeting for the following school year.


Section 1.

1. Any person running for an Office should have attended three meetings during the current school year. Shall have the intent of attending all BEN Meetings and performing the duties of their elected office to the best of their ability. In the event that this criteria cannot be met, any exceptions must be approved by a 2/3 member vote at the nominating meeting in March.

Section 2.

1. The elected Officers of this organization shall be: Co-Presidents (2), Vice-President, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer.

Section 3.

1. The Nominees for Event Chairpersons will be determined at the March meeting for the following school year and may include the following: Book Fair, Family Socials, General Mills, Holiday Ornaments, Hospitality/ Holiday Luncheon, Membership/Nominating, Room Volunteers, September Dessert Social, School Spirit, Snowflake Shop, and 5th Grade Promotion. No event will have more than three chair people. BEN members may only chair three (3) events during any school year. The Nominating Chairperson will notify the Officers and membership if there is an event lacking a chairperson at the March meeting. At that time, by 2/3 vote of the membership present, exceptions may be made to allow a BEN member to chair more than three (3) events to ensure events run smoothly. (Chairpersons have the option to appoint as many co-chairs as necessary to facilitate event, (see Article VII Section 2.). In the event that more than 2 people are interested in chairing an event, two names will be randomly drawn at the March meeting.

Section 4.

1. The Executive Board shall consist of the elected Officers. (See Article V – Section 2.). All actions and decisions by board require a majority vote by the board. Recording Secretary shall record all meetings and present the results at the next regular meeting.

Section 5.

1. Special committees may be appointed for a length of time deemed necessary to perform their function and shall report their findings in writing to BEN at the next regular meeting.

Section 6.

1. The elected Officers and Chairpersons are elected for a one-year term. The position of Treasurer will be a two-year term. If during that term an Officer or Chairperson needs to be replaced for any reason, a replacement will be elected at a general meeting by 2/3 approval of the members present. In the event that a Co-President must step down, the remaining Co-President will assume the duties of the position for the remainder of the school year. (If necessary the Vice President and remaining Co-President can work together to re-assign tasks.). Elected Officers may serve two consecutive terms in the same office, unless they are running unopposed. The elected Chairpersons may serve indefinitely.


Section 1. The Co-Presidents (Officer)

1. Shall preside at all meetings using Parliamentary Procedure (see attachment “A”)

2. Shall review and sign the monthly bank statement(s) of the organization, along with the monthly financial reports of the Treasurer at each month’s meeting.

3. May act as an ex-officio member of committees, except nominating committee.

4. May represent the organization in all district functions, keeping the goals and philosophy of B.E.N. in mind.

5. Shall arrange for speakers and/or presentations during the course of the year, and announce them prior to each meeting through the use of various communications including the BEN bulletin board. Shall ask members for ideas and suggestions.

6. Shall ensure that a first aid kit and Red Cross Certified Person and A.E.D. coverage are present at any BEN function after school hours.

7. Building Permits and requests for fundraising requests submitted to school board for approval over the summer.

8. Lead the discussion to review/revise the Constitution and Bylaws every three years, first review to be no later than 2019.

Section 2. The First Vice-President (Officer):

1. Shall assume the role of the President in the absence of the President.

2. Shall assist the President in any way, including special Committees.

3. Shall organize and oversee the installation of new officers in June.

4. Shall assume the responsibilities and duties of any officer that is absent from any meeting and then report that information back to that officer.

5. Shall serve as the BEN Parent Handbook Chairperson and is responsible for creating the best booklet possible with accurate names, phone numbers, dates, descriptions, and information as to BEN’s meetings, events, chairpersons, officers, as well as pertinent school related information. To be distributed to all Errick Road students, faculty, and staff as early in September as possible.

6. Make monthly reminder calls to chairs about events.

7. Maintain and collect chair folders at the monthly meeting following the event.

8. Report on an event if the chair is not present.

9. Responsible for distribution of Bylaws to all officers before the start of the school year.

Section 4. The Recording Secretary (Officer):

1. Shall keep accurate records of all BEN meetings, whether from a regular meeting or an executive meeting.

2. Shall distribute the minutes to each officer, within one (1) week after the meeting…

3. Shall post the minutes after being approved on the BEN bulletin board for all to read.

4. Shall call to the attention to the President all matters to be voted upon, motioned, all unfinished business.

5. If unable to attend a meeting, the Vice-President shall assume all of the duties and responsibilities for that meeting and then report back to the Recording Secretary.

Section 5. The Corresponding Secretary (Officer):

1. Shall take care of all correspondence pertaining to the organization.

2. In the event of a death or extended illness in the immediate family (spouse, child, parent or sibling) of

a teacher, officer, chairperson, student or member of Errick Road School a donation will be sent to the family.

4. Thank you notes shall be written and sent to all BEN speakers, and presenters. Any fee paid by BEN shall not exceed $50.00 for any single meeting, unless the amount is approved by 2/3 of members present at a regular meeting PRIOR to making a commitment to that person or group.

5. Any gifts or donations made by BEN shall NOT exceed $50.00, unless an unusual situation occurs and 2/3 of members present at a regular meeting approve. On the occasion of the retirement or resignation of a teacher or administrator from Errick Road Elementary School, a gift will be given. Not to exceed $40.00.

6. Will be issued a pre-paid debit card in accordance with the Corresponding Secretary budget to purchase related expenses.

Section 6. The Treasurer (Officer):

1. Shall handle all monies of the organization, pay all bills and collect all proceeds from fundraising affairs.

2. Shall keep an accurate record of all transactions and monies spent and received as well as all pending expenditures. Shall conduct business in an ethical manner and abide by standard accounting principles.

3. Shall present a written report at each regular meeting of accounts paid, monies collected, pending expenses and balance on hand, (actual and pending). In the event that a month does not have a regular meeting, the written financial report shall include each month since last reported.

4. A written financial report shall be distributed to each officer prior to the start of each monthly meeting and shall be available to the members during that meeting. It shall then be posted on the bulletin board with the monthly minutes for all to read. If the Treasurer is unable to attend a meeting, a report shall still be submitted and read by a Co-President.

5. The organization’s fiscal year shall start July 1st and end June 30th of the following year. This coincides with the school year and the treasurer’s term in office. All records shall be kept accordingly. All related statements, receipts and reports shall be reviewed at the end of each fiscal year by a CPA, who will also complete IRS tax form 990 and submit on BEN’s behalf.

6. The Treasurer is responsible for all related tax forms each calendar year.

7. BEN’s bank accounts must be set up with the name of Treasurer and the Co-Presidents.

8. All requests for funds, whether from a teacher, administrator, chairperson, or BEN member, must be submitted in writing and approved PRIOR to disbursement. Requests for funds that benefit more than one class or grade will receive priority.


Section 1.

1. Must be a BEN member.

2. Shall follow the duties, responsibilities, and guidelines as outlined in the Event Handbook. Shall permit BEN to print their name and phone number in the Parent Handbook and any related handouts/fliers.

3. Shall coordinate a committee, made up of other volunteers in order to successfully complete the task/activity elected to complete.

4. Shall regularly check the BEN mailbox located in the main school office for correspondences related to their event.

5. Shall accurately and securely handle all monies and provide The Treasurer with a written report with all receipts attached and transactions recorded. The treasurer will make reimbursements for all proper,

receipted transactions as necessary to perform the duties as elected. Money cannot be handled by anyone other than the chairpersons, unless designated by the chair person. All money must be counted by the two chairpersons and provided to the Treasurer with the total amount being given to the Treasurer, the date and signatures of the chairpersons within 7 – 10 days after the date of the event.

6. Shall attend the monthly BEN meeting immediately before and immediately after his/her event; to answer any/all questions pertaining to the event. Shall submit the chair folder to complete the event, all financial transactions, volunteer listing, copies of all flyers/handouts and any other activities of the committee to the designated Vice-President of BEN no later than the next BEN meeting.


Section 1.

1. The Nominating Chairperson shall prepare a slate of candidates for each office and present this slate at the March meeting. The chairperson must ensure all candidates meet the requirements and are willing to hold office; any deviations will be brought to the membership’s attention at the March meeting (see ARTICLE V, Section 1.1).

2. The nominating Chairperson shall preside during the election of officers. The President may not be a member of this committee.

3. Other nominations may be made from the floor at the March meeting. Elections shall be held by written ballot when there is more than one nominee for any office or chairperson.

4. Elections shall take place at the April general meeting. The newly elected Vice President will provide the membership the necessary chair folder for each Chairperson at the June meeting for their term of office. Installation of officers and chairpersons shall take place during the June meeting.

5. The terms of office shall be from June to June the following year. A transition of information and materials shall occur between outgoing and newly elected officers and chairpersons after the June meeting and before the end of the school year, once all duties of outgoing officers and chairpersons have been fulfilled.


Section 1.

1. Regular business meetings shall be held monthly, or at the discretion of the Co-Presidents.

2. Executive Board meetings shall be held as often as the President or an officer feels the need.

3. Committee meetings shall be called at the discretion of each Chairperson.


Section 1.

1. This constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the members Present provided that the notice of the proposed amendment was submitted and posted at a previous meeting.

2. Revision and review of the constitution and bylaws should take place as needed.


Section 1.

1. In the event of dissolution, all the assets and property of BEN remaining after payment of expenses, shall be distributed to a subsequent non-profit parent/teacher organization (501c(3)) that is forming to support Errick Road School. In the event there is no new group forming, assets will be distributed to Errick Road Elementary School.

Attachment “A”

Organizations using parliamentary procedure usually follow a fixed order of business. Below is a typical example:

1. Call to order.

2. Roll call of Officers present.

3. Reading of minutes of last meeting.

4. Officers’ reports.

5. Committee reports.

6. Special orders—important business previously designated for consideration at this meeting.

7. Unfinished business.

8. New business.

9. Announcements.

10. Adjournment.

The method used by members to express themselves is in the form of moving motions. A motion is a proposal that the entire membership take action or a stand on an issue. The President will call to order for a member to make a motion; it is seconded; motion is debated; finally a vote is called and recorded.