Present: Julie Fago, Annette Kopp, Kelly Lukasavich, Nora O’Bryan, Karin Cyganovich, Merrie Carole Strangio, Jena Firorella & Theresa Guzzetta Jena Fiorella & Theresa Guzzetta reported out on a new event called the “Back To School Bash”
- It will be Saturday, Nov. 18th 6pm at Alder Creek Banquet Hall
- A save the date information sheet will be handed out at Open Houses
- This is an adult only (21 & over) event. Tickets will cost $25
- Cost for the venue is $300 for 2 bartenders, an attendant & the cleaning fee
- Concerns: how to make it not compete with 5th grade basket auction-> instead of baskets it will be a wine pull and gift certificates
Kelly Lukasavich talked about the website coordinator position
- She is looking for someone to take over & volunteer for this
- It takes approximately 1-2 hours a month
Merrie- Carole Strangio talked about cookie dough
- This year it will be through the Entertainment Group
- She is looking into when is a good time of year for this fundraiser
Jena Fiorella discussed the Mum Sale
- Order forms due Wed, Sept. 13th
- Flowers will be delivered Sept. 20thor the 21st
Nora reported on Open House
- This year only it is 2 nights due to the parking situation
- Specials teachers will only be there the first night
- Aug. 30th Grade K will start in the wood gym at 6pm. There will be a power point with all the school wide procedures and then parents can go to the classrooms to meet the teachers & drop off supplies. Grades 1 & 2 can show up anytime between 6 & 7pm and go directly to the classrooms
- Aug. 31st will be grades 3-5
Nora talked about community engagement
- She is looking for 2 parents to be part of Errick Roads building committee
- Jena & Theresa volunteered
Field Trips
- 2 per grade with option to ask for more if needed
May BEN meeting date has been changed due to a conflict with the Middle School concert. It is now on May 10th.Annette Kopp gave the treasurer’s report
- Everything from last year has cleared with the exception of one check for $98
- Current balance is $16,800.11
Respectfully submitted,Karin Cyganovich