Officers in Attendance: ER Staff in Attendance:
Julie Fago Karin Cyganovich Ms. O’Bryan
Kelly Lukasavich Kelly Caito Ms. Gentile
Annette Kopp Ms. Munz
Mr. Vekich
Number of Members Present: 14
Meeting was called to order at 7pm by Julie who welcomed everyone & started the pledge
The meeting started with a presentation from PBIS team members (Ms. Munz & Mr. Vekich). PBIS stands for Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports. Students are taught what is expected of them. The team created a mission statement, matrix of expectations and lesson plans for being respectful, responsible and safe which will involve all faculty & staff. Students earn “Falcon cash” for proper behavior which can then be redeemed in a school store. The store will be located across from the cafeteria. The team requested $1500 to be used as a startup for the store and for t-shirts. Everyone would get the same t-shirt to be worn on certain days.
Next, the superintendent gave a budget presentation and answered questions on it
Officer Reports:
Karin passed out the minutes from the March meeting
Annette went over the treasurer’s report. Current balance is $27405.10
– Kindergarten had a $500 request for supplies such as paper products, cap & gown
The request was approved.
The yearbook proof was passed around
Spring Book Fair will be a BOGO. The dates are May 18,19 & 22.
Next meeting the following topics need to be addressed:
Calendar for next year
Platters vs. Niagara Chocolates
Save Around vs. Entertainment Book
Respectfully submitted,
Karin Cyganovich