Officers in Attendance:
Julie Fago
Karin Cyganovich
Kelly Lukasavich
Merrie Carole Strangio
ER Staff in Attendance:
Number of Members Present: 12
Julie opened the meeting at 6:55pm, welcomed everyone & led everyone in the pledge.
Treasurer’s Report:
- Current balance is $35816.02
- Still have about $14,000 to pay out before the end of the year
- Try to carry over about $10,000 year to year
Recording Secretary’s Report
- Nothing new to report or old business to close out.
- April minutes were approved
Corresponding Secretary’s Report
- Thank you card for flowers for “Administrative Assistant’s Day”
- Thank you from Mrs. Frank for the lunch
- Each teacher will get a bag of M & M’s with a little poem thanking them
Motion to approve reports: Renee T.
Motion 2nd by: Kelly L.
Chair Reports
- Budget Vote– Is this coming Tues. May 15th from 8am-9pm at the HS Adult Learning Center. Julie encouraged everyone to get out and vote. There are propositions to vote on as well
- Beautification: Asking for volunteers to help give Errick Road a facelift. Add some color & light to the front of the building and courtyard. Hoping to make this a line item and for it to continue every year. It was suggested students thru k-kids & boy scouts help out
- Field Day: Is June 14th. T-shirts are being ordered. There are lots of volunteers. Some games were changed and expanded. There will be a Lego station inside, activities in the gym and bounce house. All students will paint rocks that will stay at the school. It is something that can be added on to every year. Students have started picking their rocks (2 small ones or 1 big one). Each station has 3 volunteers manning it. Grades K & 1st grade have 2 volunteers per class to help. There is an ice-cream truck. Students have 3 choices to pick from. Encouraging students to bring a water bottle and bag lunch. Students’ shirts will stay in school and be handed out the day of.
- Spring Flowers: The fundraiser is this weekend. Over 100 baskets were sold. Bounce houses will be up and things for kids to do inside the shop.
- Art Show: Is Thursday, May 24th. There will be an ice cream social for this. A volunteer sheet was passed around to help at the social. May 23rd is set up for the actual art show & Fri. May 25th is the tear down.
- End of Year Installation Dinner: Will be June 8th at 6:30pm. It will be held at Casa Antica
- Saving The Bricks: Due to construction about 20 bricks that were designed years ago will have to be moved. Renee looked into options, the best being taking a picture & printing it on metal. The image can then be moved to any whitewall space. The metal is easy to clean & will survive about 200 years. The cost to print is about $21 but add the cost of the brackets, spacer posts etc. & it goes up to about $40 each. The total estimate is $751.20. (Bay Photo). It was agreed we would support the bricks and Renee is looking into the price of the class photos in the hall. A vote will take place at the June meeting.
- Staff Appreciation: Went very well. Everyone was really happy with the food. Maybe next year have less pasta & bread.
- Career Day: counselors are still looking for volunteers to come in and present
- Chocolate: Samples of Fowler’s were available for people to try. It is a 40% profit with Fowler’s. Niagara Chocolate makes 50% profit but costumer service was awful this year. It was decided we will go with Fowler’s next year. Jen will get a contract with them.
- As the test coordinator was walking to her car, a big gush of wind blew the top off her box and some math papers blew around. She ran around picked them up and asked neighbors if they see anyone to turn them in. State Ed was contacted and their instructions were to copy the students work out of the workbook and put it on the answer sheet. This was the day the community lost power and the wind was strong.
- Can we make a flyer and send it for the Shop-A-Roo app? It gets the BEN group money.
Motion to close meeting: Julie F.
Motion 2nd by: Kelly L.
Respectfully Submitted by Karin Cyganovich