Officers in Attendance:
- Julie Fago
- Karin Cyganovich
- Kelly Lukasavich
- Kelly Caito
- Merrie Carole Strangio
ER Staff in Attendance:
- Mrs. O’Bryan
- Mrs. Arone
Number of Members Present: 18
Julie opened the meeting at 6:55pm, welcomed everyone & led everyone in the pledge.
Presentation by Jeff Klein from Fun Services
- This is an alternative to the Snowflake Shop called “Santa’s Gift Shop”
- 100% consignment. Whatever is not sold goes back to the store. If items run out, it can be replaced the next day. 100 % guarantee-> item will be replaced even if it is okay in school but shows up damaged at home
- There are about 110 items to choose from, ranging from $0.22 -$10.80 (most in the $1-$3 range)
- Gift bags are included and are self-sealing
- An envelope goes home before hand as well as a letter
- The company supplies advertising posters, table cloths and an app for check-out
- Nora suggested another option is to do family gifts differentiated by grade.
**This topic was tabled to a future time**
Treasurer’s Report:
- Current balance is $42,557.62
- Still need to pay out the Chocolate sale and 5th grade
- Paid the PTO insurance
- There was a funding request by 1st grade teachers for reading & writing classroom books. It was suggested to look into other options such as using scholastic funds. The request was tabled for now.
Recording Secretary’s Report
- The January minutes were approved.
- It is noted the Cookie Dough fundraiser will not run this year.
Corresponding Secretary’s Report
- A thank you note was read from the Sorge family for the $50 gift card
Chair Reports
- Chocolate Sale: Profit was down about $1000 this year
- Basket Auction: Made $8244.75 in profit.
- 5th grade promo: The picture of the 5th graders will be taken March 5th. They are all set with shirts.
- Spring Pictures: Will be March 6th. All students will have their picture taken. This makes BEN money even if their picture is not purchased ($1.50 for each child photographed) A sign-up sheet was passed around for help the day of.
- Yearbooks: The deadline to buy will be extended till 3/20. Fifth graders do not have to buy because that is part of their gift. (YBPAY.LIFETOUCH.COM Id code: 11057618)
- DIY Pallet Board: This will run on 4/27. It is $38 to participate. There are 60 designs to choose from. ($10 profit per pallet)
- Field Day: The committee met at 6pm and moved forward with plans.
- Spring Flowers: Jena’s flyer was approved at the BOE meeting. It will be pre-order thru Errick Road but all pick-ups will be at Fiorella Garden’s. The sales will profit BEN.
- Lego Club: Will run again Thursdays from April 19th –May 24th
- Paint Night: Postponed till next meeting
- Bandit Night: This is a social event. The date will be March 16th for a 7:30pm game. There was discussion as to whether the group should sit in the 300 level for $13 a ticket or the 100 level for $25 a ticket. More information will follow in a flyer.
- Art Show: Renee said the art teacher had a cool idea for the 5th graders to make a mosaic decorative piece (perhaps tiles on a plate) but was looking for some funds. The suggestion was for her to put in a funding request.
Motion to close meeting: Merris Carole Strangio
Motion 2nd by: Aline McIntyre
Meeting Closed at 8:50pm
Respectfully Submitted: Karin Cyganovich